Tuesday, 14 October 2014

That's torn it!

Miss Johnston cut out rectangles from one centimetre squared paper.
She then counted how many squares the shapes took up. After this she tore a piece out of some of their shapes to make a puzzle for you to solve.
Can you work out how many squares there were in these shapes before the bit was torn out? 

(The orange, blue, green and yellow shapes were rectangles. The bottom two shapes, which are pale orange and purple, were each two rectangles joined together.)


  1. I think the pale green shape is 15cm2. I know this because I used my 3x tables.

  2. green is 15cm2
    blue is 32cm2
    yellow is 30cm2
    orange is 15cm2
    purple is 18cm2
    pale orange is 21cm2

  3. The pale orange shape is 15cm2 I know because I used my 5x tables to make it easier for me instead of counting in 1s. The pale blue is 36cm2 because I used my 6x table. The purple shape is 18cm because I used my 3x tables to make it easier instead of hardier. bye its really fun learning with you.

    1. How clever of you to use your multiplication facts to work out area. I wonder if anyone else will use a similar method?

  4. The answer to the pale orange one is 21.

    1. Remember this shape is made up of 2 rectangles...

  5. I think the pale green one is 15 cm2 because I
    used my 3x tablels

  6. The answer to the purple one is 18. Because there are 2 squares of 9. This adds together to make 18.

    1. 18...remember what we have to put next to the number to show that it is area?

  7. the pale green one is 15cm because i was using my 3x times tables

  8. The green one is 15cm2 because I was using my 5x tables. The purple one is18cm2 I used my 3x tables. The pale orange is 21cm2 I used my 2xtables and my 3x tables.

  9. orange 15cm
    blue 32cm
    green 15cm
    yellow 30cm
    pale orange 21cm
    purple 18cm

  10. orange 15 cm
    blue 32 cm
    green 15 cm
    yellow 30 cm
    purple 18 cm
    pale orange 21 cm
