Today we had a local Islington author come to visit, his name was Andy Naylor! He came to read his new narrative poem with KS1 and 2 and everybody loved it! Some children even went back to their classrooms so inspired that they chose to recreate the main character!
His poem begins...
We all have six fingers
And we all have four toes.
We all have one eye,
But no one has a nose.
I come from a planet
That’s close to the moon.
It’s small and it’s green
And it’s called Ziggleboom.
Can you write a poem in response to the one you heard? What did Emas say to his parents when he returned home?
His poem begins...
Hello Earth people!
Emas is my name.
Back on my planet,
We all look the same.
Emas is my name.
Back on my planet,
We all look the same.
We all have six fingers
And we all have four toes.
We all have one eye,
But no one has a nose.
I come from a planet
That’s close to the moon.
It’s small and it’s green
And it’s called Ziggleboom.
The original drawing of Emas from the book on his way to Earth from Ziggleboom! |
Can you write a poem in response to the one you heard? What did Emas say to his parents when he returned home?
hey, mum, i went to a planet,everyone wear different thing,but i did not panic!